How to connect Javascript

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Here's how you can make a project using Arduino and Javascript.

The object of the project is to switch

Here's how to make a list:

You need to follow these steps:

  1. Connect a LED in pin 13 of Aruino
  2. Install Arduino software in pendrive
  3. Install drivers for Arduino recognition found in folder drivers
  4. Check the port number in Arduino menu, e.g. COM3 and click o it to be sure of port recognition
  5. Install node.js 8.9.4 LTS version. It is JavaScript server listening to https://localhost:8080 or
  6. Open the Unix terminal and execute "node hello.js" to check server is working
  7. Write in terminal"npm install johnny-five" this is a node package manager (NPM) found at
  8. Altenative to NPM is Bower because is another powerfull package manager. To use bower you need to install git from and write in the terminal "npm install -g bower"
  9. npm install express
  10. npm install --save
  11. npm install arduino-firmata

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